
2022 謹賀新年 コロナ共存時代、どうぞ元気でいてください。

 2022, Happy new year! 

May this year be a wonderful year for you. 
Please be fine at the age of COVIDー19 coexistence.

明けまして おめでとう ございます。

本年が 皆様にとって 素晴らしい 一年で ありますように。

◉Last year, in response to the call from Yoko Ono, I sent my art work and my message to her exhibition at the Vancouver Art Gallery, a museun in Canada. 
◉Last year was my second year of remote class at university, and I can now read the “ki/ chi ” of students through the monitor. 
◉In response to the abuse, injury fatal case / accident of my beloved cat in November 2020, I started creating activities and works of art...While considering the situation in which the COVID-19 wreck covers the world and society, I have just begun to open up a breakthrough through negative stress while valuing pain and sadness. 
◉Thank you for your friendship and continued support this year. 😀

2022年 新春  鈴木 (沖) 淳子 😻 /Junko SUZUKI-OKI 

はり・きゅう治療院 じんじん 院長❤️